Composite Resin Fillings- Why Are These Better Than Other Options

Teeth are one of the body parts that can last for years but they need a lot of care. There are many reasons teeth get cavities. It can be due to consuming too many sweets that affect teeth or excess consumption of alcohol, smoking, and many more. In addition to this, not brushing on a daily basis can also be one of the reasons that lead to teeth cavities. There are many methods that can be used to treat teeth cavities. It's very important to treat the cavities as it may affect your tooth deeper.

In the old times, amalgam fillings were the only option to treat the cavities. The amalgam fillings were made of metals such as- silver or gold to limit the area of the cavity and to repair the damaged structure of the tooth. No doubt, they were a good option for filling the cavity teeth as they were durable and easy to work with. But they did not maintain their alluring luster for long.

Amalgams were a good option but they got corroded after some time and turned black or gray. If used in the front tooth, amalgam fillings looked too bad. This is the reason, nowadays people and dentists also don't prefer to use it and they have been replaced with a new, non-metallic option.  

Composite Resin Fillings-
We all know about the resin, used to make all kind of plastic and everything from furniture to jewelry. But is it safe for our health? Many people ask this question. Truly, the resin is a safer option that can be used. As it does not contain mercury. Mercury is very harmful to our health because it is a metal linked to a laundry list whereas the resin is a durable option as well as strong.

Most importantly, it will not change shades even after many years of installation. Composite fillings can be perfectly matched with the tooth-colored resin. No one can detect the filling with the naked eye. This is why it has become one of the favorite choices of patients.  If you want to know more about composite resin fillings, consult- Esthetic Dental Group of Westport.


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