4 Ways To Help Your Dental Implant Last A Lifetime

Dental implants are no new dental solution. In fact, they have been in use for over 50 years, restoring missing or decayed teeth. According to modern-time dentists, a dental implant is the most advanced solution for missing teeth. After all, dental plants in Stamford offer results that look and feel like natural teeth and they are permanent. Unlike dental bridges and dentures, dental implants are an excellent replacement choice for various reasons.

If you’re planning to get dental implants, make sure you maintain the best oral health. This is because, with proper care and maintenance, you can increase the success rate of your implants by 98 percent.
In simple words, just getting dental implants is not enough, you need to practice good oral habits to improve the life of your implants. We’ve given below some of the best ways to help your dental implants last a lifetime.

Got dental implants in Weston, recently? Follow these steps.

Follow religiously instructions and care after the procedures - Well, the placement of the dental implant occurred through an oral surgery. This means, like any other surgery, you’re required to follow post-surgery instructions and care as recommended by your dentist. To ensure proper and fast healing of area around the tooth root, maintaining dental or oral hygiene is crucial during this post-surgery period. In case, if you failed to keep your mouth clean, you’re increasing the risk of getting an infection. Also, just depend on a liquid or soft diet until your mouth healed properly.
Pay close attention to your dental health - Although dental implants are impermeable to decay, you still need to take care of your dental health. Sometimes, your gums can be affected by a lack of oral care. As a result, you might get gum disease, and eventually, you’ll have a failure of implants. Therefore, take proper care of your dental health with regular brushing and flossing. Also, visit your dentist at least two times a year for professional cleaning.
Avoid tobacco products - Are you taking any tobacco products? If yes, you might jeopardize your implant’s success. For example, if you’re using tobacco in the form of smoking, you might end up having dry mouth, which could damage your teeth and gums. No matter in which form you’re taking tobacco, it can result in tooth loss and gum disease. Therefore, you should quit smoking or taking tobacco in any form after post dental implant surgery.
Watch over what you eat - Dental implants are meant to last almost a lifetime, but this doesn’t mean that they are indestructible. You need to take care of your dental implants just like you do your other teeth. Avoid chewing on very hard things like ice and popcorn seeds.
To conclude
Of course, you will have a brand new teeth after the dental implant procedure. But remember, just like your natural teeth, your implants also need proper care and maintenance to last a lifetime.


  1. Thanks for taking the time to share this information on dental implants and ways that they could last a lifetime. I enjoyed all the details provided in this article. Have a great rest of your day and keep up the posts.
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