Treatment options for sleep apnea

If you or your partner regularly snores loudly, this could be an indication of sleep apnea. It is a serious sleep disorder that involves repeated stopping and starting of the breath. Healthcare providers on diagnosing sleep apnea usually recommend patients CPAP mask. However, there are also other alternative treatment options for sleep apnea. If you feel uncomfortable using a CPAP mask, your doctor may recommend any of the following treatments for sleep apnea in Westport.

Treatment For Sleep Apnea

Oral/dental appliance - Dental/oral appliances is another most popular treatment option for people who feel uncomfortable using a CPAP mask. Only people suffering from mild to moderate sleep apnea can use oral appliances.
Oral appliances usually work by preventing the airway from collapsing. This is because these devices hold the tongue in its position so that a person can breathe properly while sleeping. 

Weight management program - Some people can reduce or eliminate their symptoms of sleep apnea by just undergoing a weight management program, especially obese or overweight people. Extra weight is usually associated with thick necks, which means extra fat cells in the throat. As a result, these cells may obstruct the air passage and eventually an individual snore and suffer from sleep apnea. 

Please remember, there is no certainty that the weight loss results in the complete elimination of sleep apnea. However, it may help in management of symptoms. 

Surgical treatment - One of the best treatments for sleep apnea is to remove the extra tissue that blocks the airway while sleeping. This is why undergoing a surgical procedure is the right decision. 

Well, when it comes to surgical procedures for sleep apnea, they may vary from minimally invasive to more complex. But if you’re planning to undergo a surgical procedure for sleep apnea, the treatment is usually performed in the following areas. 

  • Tongue
  • Adenoids and tonsils 
  • Soft palate and uvula 
  • Both upper and lower jaw 

Positional therapy - This is another treatment option that healthcare professionals may recommend to their patients with sleep apnea. In this treatment, your doctor uses a behavioral strategy to treat sleep apnea related to the position. In some cases, people have sleep apnea only when they sleep on their back, which is also referred to as a supine position. On the other hand, they have normal breathing when recommended to sleep on their side. Your doctor may also give you a device to wear around the waist, which will keep you in the side position when you sleep.


If you’ve been diagnosed with sleep apnea and don’t want to use a CPAP mask, then your doctor may recommend any of these treatment options. However, it is important to consult the best doctor in your area that offers sleep apnea and snoring treatments in CT
