Top Benefits Of Dental Composite Resin Fillings

With rising numbers of people having desire for a perfect smile, treatments such as dental composite resin fillings are becoming extremely popular to fix cavities and tooth decay. The major reason to use composite resin fillings is that they provide result closely resemble the natural tooth. Hence, this can be used to fix dental flaws in the front and the back teeth. Apart from this, composite resin fillings do not have any mercury that may lead to long-term health problems.
dental composite resin fillings

Dentists usually use dental composite resin fillings for various good reasons. Read below some of the benefits you get with composite resin filling.

Composite resin bonds to your original tooth - One of the benefits of composite resin fillings is that they bond to your existing tooth. They usually have two types: overlays, and onlays. Composite resin fillings are custom designed in a lab. Once they reach to dental clinic from lab, the dentist bonds them into the tooth with a bonding agent. Then, the onlay is placed, which bonds to the natural tooth.

They don’t require much drilling - Unlike amalgam fillings, composite resin fillings don’t require to drill a significant portion of your natural tooth. Instead, they require much less tooth removal. Once the filling bonds to the existing tooth, it causes a stronger overall tooth. Too much extraction of a tooth can lead to weakness of the tooth structure.

They can be repaired - Are you planning to get composite fillings? Here is good news for you! They can get a repair if they begin to damage or degrade. So, if you notice damage in the filling structure or it accidentally gets damaged by teeth grinding or excessive chewing, your dentist will clean the area and fix it.

Composite fillings can repair cracks and chips - Another benefit of dental composite filling is that it can be used to repair cracks and chips in the teeth. The qualities of being durable, quick bonding, and natural tooth appearance, make composite resin an ideal hack to fix chips and cracks in the teeth. Additionally, they are also used to create resin veneers, which can further make your teeth whiter.

Fewer risks of sensitive teeth - As compared to amalgam fillings, composite resin fillings cause fewer cases of sensitive teeth. This is because the composite resin protects the tooth against cold and hot temperatures.

Are you considering dental fillings to fix your cavities, chips, cracks and stained teeth? Dental composite resin filling is the one solution for all these dental issues. Do you need composite resin fillings? Contact Esthetic Dental Group of Westport to schedule your appointment.


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