Everything That You Need To Know About Sleep Apnea

Do you wake up in the morning feeling tired and restless on a regular basis? We often blame it on our sleeping posture, old weary mattresses, and sometimes, even the atmosphere around us for poor sleep during the night.

However, we often overlook the fact that this could be because of a sleeping disorder!

Maybe this is the right time to consult a doctor as you might be suffering from obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA). This is a disorder that most commonly affects the elderlly or those who are suffering from obesity. The main symptom of sleep apnea is uncontrolled breathing. If your breathing stops in between while you are asleep, then it is a major sign that you might be suffering from sleep apnea and require medical diagnosis. In case of central sleep apnea, the brain fails to process the information properly which is why an individual might experience breathing difficulties. However, central sleep apnea is not that common as compared to OSA.

Sleep apnea can have lethal impacts on your body’s functioning. It can lower the levels of Oxygen in your body and also result in memory problems. If suffering from this disorder you might keep feeling drowsy and sleepy throughout the day which can be fatal while driving.

Understanding the Importance of Sound Sleep

We often ignore the importance of good sleep. But it plays a very important role in maintaining the overall health of an individual. Various researches have shown that sound sleep works like a sewer network for the brain. It is essential for eliminating beta-amyloid plaques that get accumulated in the brain and are the major culprits behind developing Alzheimer's disease. The longer you are awake, the more pressure will build up on the mind and body to stay alert. Ultimately, in the long run, you will lose the ability to stay alert and focus.

The sleep cycle of the human body is ascertained by two elements:

  1. Circadian pacemaker (this is an internal body clock)
  2. Homeostasis (the neurobiological requirement to sleep)
Sleep is also triggered by dark/light cycles. This means that the brain triggers sleep in the darker periods and stays alert during the day hours for the body to stay active and perform daily chores. If your lifestyle is not accustomed with this phase, then you might start experiencing problems in staying alert throughout the day. This will also have a major impact on your sleep cycles.

A fact that you should be aware of is that the sleep-wake cycle is triggered internally. Staying sleepy always is your brain’s reaction to deprivation. It is thus essential to get medical attention if suffering from sleep apnea and develop a healthy lifestyle that help you in getting sound sleep.

Important Tips to Note

We all make this mistake of sleeping on our backs. This should be completely avoided in order to get good sleep. If you sleep on your back, it becomes easy for your throat and tongue muscles to relax, blocking the air passage. You can take a pillow to elevate the head a little and avoid snoring.

What lifestyle habits impact sleep?

Our lifestyle habits have a great impact on the amount of sleep that we get. Studies show that regularly exercising, consuming a lot of fluids, and having a healthy diet plays a very important role in the management of our overall health.
If you are suffering from sleeping disorders, it is essential that you quit smoking and consuming alcohol. This has a negative impact on the brain which ultimately affects the sleep cycle. According to statistics, it has been projected that around 12-25 million Americans suffer from the problem of sleep apnea. But with the help of proper medical attention and a healthy lifestyle, you can certainly overcome this disorder.

How to treat sleep apnea?

When seeking medical attention for treating OSA, the doctor will make use of a CPAP device (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure). This is a motorized device that effectively pumps air via a mask across your mouth/nose. This way, the air passage remains open allowing the air to pass by as you sleep. It is important to use the CPAP device on a regular basis (during sleep hours) to witness results.

If you are somebody who is suffering from this sleep disorder, it is essential that consult a doctor immediately for Sleep Apnea. Make sure you follow a healthy diet and exercise regularly for a sound sleep and be energetic throughout the day.
